Here’s a letter that Cruz Morales posted on Facebook: RE: Cease and Desist – EL BARRIO PARK Mr. Morales This

The dog barks, and the caravan moves on.
Here’s a letter that Cruz Morales posted on Facebook: RE: Cease and Desist – EL BARRIO PARK Mr. Morales This
The El Paso City Council recently approved the following motion: “To direct the City Manager or designee to hire a
From Business Insider India: Inequality has remained persistently high for decades, and a new report shows just how stark the
Here’s a heartbreaking story from the El Paso Times. I am reprinting it in its entirety. This holiday season, the
Or is it a trick? From El Paso City Council met Tuesday to once again discuss whether seek to
The types at City Hall think City Government should be a growth industry. So do the people that benefit from
From Albuquerque’s channel 13, After voters soundly rejected the idea of a publicly financed soccer stadium, New Mexico United
Did you see this item from Monday’s City Council Work Session agenda? Discussion and action on the development of cost
The word on the street is that University Medical Center will open a new hospital on the east side. The
And the cops. That’s what other cities have done when their fiscal profligacy has run their finances into a ditch.
Tomorrow, City Council will vote on whether or not to tell City Manager Tommy Gonzalez to come up with a
Did you know that blight was a condition to creating a Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone in Texas? From the Texas
In this illuminating story from Monica Ortiz Uribe and the El Paso Times, headlined Texas tax burden is heaviest on
Last night KFOX El Paso reported on El Paso City Manager Tommy Gonzalez’ golden parachute. The report highlighted the separation
“Why do you keep hitting yourself in the head with that hammer?” “Because it feels so good when I stop.”
The latest push from the people who want to build a deck over the freeway is connectivity. Connect those neighborhoods
Reality is subjective. That notion isn’t popular in the hard sciences, but anyone with a television or internet connection can
Nine years ago, powerful people in El Paso pushed the 2012 Quality of Life bonds. According to U.S. Census estimates,
According to this article in the El Paso Times, some changes are taking place in the City of El Paso’s
In this video clipped from Tuesday’s City Council meeting, District 3 Representative Cassandra Hernandez accuses Mayor Oscar Leeser of discriminating