Here’s the email that former City Manager Joyce Wilson sent to Mayor Oscar Leeser last week: Even though I’ve been

The dog barks, and the caravan moves on.
Here’s the email that former City Manager Joyce Wilson sent to Mayor Oscar Leeser last week: Even though I’ve been
Best case scenario: Collateral development. Maybe other businesses will spring up around the arena. Like what? When they were promoting
Surprise! CBS4Local reports that the City is hosting a meeting regarding the arena at 5:30 today in the large conference
The trouble with City Government is that the City Manager thinks that his job is to protect and promote the
This post originally appeared on 13 December 2021. The El Paso City Council recently approved the following motion: “To direct
There is a public meeting tonight at 5:30 to discuss the economic impact of the downtown arena. The meeting will
“Former First Lady of El Paso” Adair Margo just won’t let it go. From a guest column in today’s El
Did you see this item from Monday’s City Council Work Session agenda? Discussion and action on the development of cost
Way back in 2014, when I was trying to figure out the twisted logic of the City’s plans, I wrote