The primary elections are over. Incumbent Vince Perez lost his Precinct 3 County Commissioners seat. And James Montoya, veteran District

The dog barks, and the caravan moves on.
The primary elections are over. Incumbent Vince Perez lost his Precinct 3 County Commissioners seat. And James Montoya, veteran District
Have you seen this map of the Segundo Barrio Historic District the El Paso Commissioners Court approved last Monday? It’s
This article originally appeared on 08 March 2019. On March 8, 2013, El Paso Police Officer Jose Flores shot the
I hate to say I told you so, but . . . From the El Paso Times: Data show El Paso’s
Well, lookie here. The dead tree edition of the El Paso Times reports that our County’s Hospital District is raising
Bob Moore reports, via his El Paso Matters twitter feed, that the Bureau of Labor Statistics says that things in
Apparently our elected officials of the County Commissioners Court are giving themselves about a twenty percent raise next year. This
Today, or tomorrow, or yesterday, depending on when you’re reading this, the El Paso County Commissioners Court will consider, or
Here’s an article from Reason that describes the plights of three cities who paid for ballparks. “Any normal business person
On March 8, 2013, El Paso Police Officer Jose Flores shot the handcuffed prisoner Danny Saenz in the sallyport of
Here’s a story about some police violence perpetrated by the Boston Transit Authority Police: A former transit police officer and
An alert reader pointed out that this week, that bastion of liberal thinking, ran an article called Four Reasons
El Chuqueño does not endorse political candidates (though there’s this one candidate for District 8 that the editorial board is
According to Lincoln Institute’s 50 State Property Tax Comparison, El Paso has the second highest homestead property tax rate among
I was going to write about the soccer stadium, but I realized that I already did. This post originally appeared
Max is killing it. Here’s an email I got from him last night. Dear Friends, The League of Women Voters
Here’s some interesting history to go with the prior post about eight million dollars a year that the El Paso
How MountainStar Wants to Get You to Pay for Their Futbol Stadium Now it’s a futbol stadium. From the El
This article originally appeared on 8 February 2017. Here’s a feel-good story from the El Paso Times about how few
Wish you were here! County Commissioner Vince Perez is all in our face about Senator Jose Rodriguez’ quote in Texas