For the person doing the hiring. Not for the legislator’s constituents. District 78 State Representative Joe Moody’s day job is

The dog barks, and the caravan moves on.
For the person doing the hiring. Not for the legislator’s constituents. District 78 State Representative Joe Moody’s day job is
From The central bankers running the U.S. Federal Reserve are the closest thing we have to gods of the
From the El Paso Times: The El Paso City Council voted unanimously to accept a recommendation to reallocate $15 million in federal funding for
Yesterday I walked that downtown area that the Downtown Management District is offering up for brownfield assessment. The tract is
Do you depend on the El Paso Times to keep you informed on local news? Or maybe you count on
El Paso has a long history of catering to private interest in the name of public good. That worked before
I reckon the local oligarchs really got their hooks into the El Paso Times. Yesterday the El Paso Times had
Many people were upset by that anonymous non-political political mailer that went out before the general election. But I suspect
Today the El Paso Times published a guest column from City Engineer Sam Rodriguez. A cursory scan reveals that is
Here’s Mayor Dee Margo talking about his regime: Under his regime? Pol Pot had a regime. Stalin had a regime.
This article originally appeared on 10 March 2017. Our City Fathers would have you believe that El Paso is a
Those nice guys at The Forma Group lent almost $7,000 to their client Debbie Torres for her District 6 runoff
Today at 1:30, the City Ethics Commission will meet in City Council Chambers to discuss the Ethics Complaint filed against
I lifted this from David Crowder’s article about the Downtown arena that appeared in the El Paso Inc. this weekend.
And how often in life do you get a Mulligan? This was in this week’s El Paso Inc. It looks
Popular Italian tenor Max Grossman sent me an email this week that contained this interesting information: The Mayor of El
Did you hear about the latest attempt by your favorite City Council to stifle any voice of dissent? From the
Yesterday I called the Mayor a liar because he made the following statement to his constituents regarding the City’s population
Here’s some wisdom from Charlie Munger, Warren Buffet’s main man, via To get what you want, deserve what you