From Diego Mendoza-Moyers at The effort to build a deck park suspended over Interstate 10 in Downtown El Paso

The dog barks, and the caravan moves on.
From Diego Mendoza-Moyers at The effort to build a deck park suspended over Interstate 10 in Downtown El Paso
For the person doing the hiring. Not for the legislator’s constituents. District 78 State Representative Joe Moody’s day job is
If you liked the way the ballpark deal went down, you’re going to love the deck park. From On
Normally if voters wanted to derail TxDOT’s plans to widen the freeway through downtown El Paso, they could complain to
This post originally appeared on 2021-11-23. I could tolerate the deck park, maybe, if the plans didn’t include widening the
Anyone who has been outside in the last four months should question the motives and judgment of the deck park
This post originally appeared on 2023-11-19. An alert reader hipped me to the Public Interest Research Group’s Fall 2023 publication
An alert reader hipped me to the Public Interest Research Group’s Fall 2023 publication Highway Boondoggles 8: Doubling Down on
From CBS4Local: As CBS4’s John Purvis reported in a Tough Questions Special Report last week, the federal government’s planned expansion
Recently Lina Ortega and David Jerome penned an opinion piece for the El Paso Times. Here’s some of it: Sixty
Building the Borderland Expressway makes more sense for El Paso than widening the freeway downtown. If we removed the through
Deck plaza advocate Tracy Yellen had this to say in a recent guest column in the El Paso Times: A
Here’s an op-ed from Morten Naess in the El Paso Times: As a retired Sierra Medical Center emergency room physician,
Vic Kolenc covers the downtown freeway deck park in this story from the El Paso Times: A project to build
I could tolerate the deck park, maybe, if the plans didn’t include widening the freeway, and increasing the traffic coming