Are out-of-towners meddling in El Paso’s affairs? From KVIA: A leader of the Paso Del Sur group opposing building an

The dog barks, and the caravan moves on.
Are out-of-towners meddling in El Paso’s affairs? From KVIA: A leader of the Paso Del Sur group opposing building an
DavidK started speculating last week that Susie Byrd would run against David Stout for Commissioner Stout’s District 2 seat on
Did you see this story on KVIA? Texas oilman J.P. Bryan, one of the state’s richest men and one with
In this week’s El Paso Inc., Mayor Dee Margo explains why the property tax increase isn’t his fault. Dee Margo
We’re got a mayor who gets elected by promising to “hold the line on taxes,” and his first month in
From an El Paso Inc. interview: Q: People say El Paso’s taxes are among the highest in the nation, though
Well, there it is. From the El Paso Times: El Paso County commissioners are looking at a preliminary general fund
The City is proposing raising taxes as high as it can without putting it to the citizens to vote on.
Or at least extremely conservative. The proposed budget show sales tax revenues declining by $525,000. El Paso hasn’t experienced a
Let’s see. $66 million in Certificates of Obligation raises the average residential tax bill $50 a year. So issuing $180
Did you read this weekend’s El Paso Inc.? It’s pretty good. Here’s the lede from one story: What began as
I’ve got a math problem for you. Don’t worry, we’re not giving grades, and we’re not asking for real numbers
Remember when those nice people were pitching the ballpark as “affordable family entertainment”? Here’s Josh Hunt in an El Paso
Did you see this story on KVIA about Cohen Stadium? A windstorm damaged the shade canopy structure [at Cohen Stadium]
Our friends on City Council today gave away another million dollars. From KVIA: Construction on a new $16 million development
Look at that map. I’ve highlighted the ballpark, the civic center, and the proposed site for the arena. I’m guessing
I’m beginning to think that those Quality of Life bonds were nothing but a mammoth fraud. Look at this story
Last week I ran an old post about how El Paso is an elephant. About how it looks different to
Let’s put it in perspective. In 2012, El Paso was enjoying a singular moment. Fort Bliss was benefitting from Bass
One of the first issues our next mayor is going to have to confront is the budget. We’re in debt,