Here’s a breakdown of El Paso County’s population change for the year ending July 1, 2016, courtesy U.S. Census Bureau

The dog barks, and the caravan moves on.
Here’s a breakdown of El Paso County’s population change for the year ending July 1, 2016, courtesy U.S. Census Bureau
The latest population estimates from the Census Bureau are out. The good news is that our limited water resources are
God bless them, City Council is in over their heads and they don’t know what to do. Did you read
The ever-vigilant Brutus over at El Paso Speak alerted me (and all his other readers) to this slide from a
Since 2012, El Paso’s population has only grown by 4,723. El Paso has the third highest property tax rates in
Did you see this story in this week’s El Paso Inc.? Historic preservationists are pressing ahead with a plan to
Greetings, fellow citizens. If you own property in El Paso, you better get in line at the plasma donation center
That plan for the arena was based on three big lies (and a lot of little ones). To wit: 1)
What do you think has more effect on the El Paso economy. A downtown arena, or the value of the
Some people (you know who you are) have been speculating about whether some of the $75 million in bond money
I know reason and common sense have no place in local government, but I found out some things that I
Did you know that, despite having household incomes about twenty percent less than the rest of Texas, the City of
This weekend the El Paso Inc. ran a story about the City’s newest volley in the fight over the arena.
Here’s the latest from the committee with the Orwellian name, the Public Service Board, via the Times: El Paso Water
News flash: There’s more to life than the internet. Some people only use their computers to make phone calls, or
Graphic designer Jud Burgess has been campaigning against the El Paso Independent School District $669 million bond proposal. [Disclosure: Mr.
The El Paso Independent School District is pushing their “innovation” as an enticement to support their upcoming $669 million bond
In an ongoing effort to “inform” the voters, someone posting on Facebook as EPISD Board Member Susie Byrd claimed that,
Originally published way back on 7 September 2016 The El Paso Independent School District wants us to give them $669
Mr. Bob Moore, editor of the El Paso Times, informed me via Facebook that the Specific Interest Committee Campaign Finance