We saw it yesterday at City Council. City Council holds discussions behind closed doors, and then presents their decision to

The dog barks, and the caravan moves on.
We saw it yesterday at City Council. City Council holds discussions behind closed doors, and then presents their decision to
I just came from a City Council meeting where I saw Jud Burgess get violently arrested. Jud was upset after
The El Paso Police Department has a pretty sketchy record of self-policing. This week, the Center for Investigative Reporting’s Reveal
When you make decisions behind closed doors, without public input, you better be right. So far, our city hasn’t been
This week the El Paso Inc. tries to demonstrate that El Pasoans knew all along that the Multi Purpose Performing
To tell the truth, we don’t know. We can’t know. All the decisions are made out of the public eye.
According to Wikipedia, Open government is the governing doctrine which holds that citizens have the right to access the documents
Let’s take a stroll down memory lane. El Paso used to be a growing city. From 2010 to 2012, El
Remember? They told us that hiring City Managers for ten years would provide “continuity.” The problem is compounded by our
This article originally appeared on 19 April 2018, but let me say it again. Advocates of the Quality of Life
Here’s an article a reader alerted me to, which pretty much sums up the City’s position: Hope is a psychological
This from the El Paso Times this morning: The City Council rejected a utility sales tax on natural gas and
This article originally appeared on 15 December 2016. It looks increasingly like City Staff are giving direction to City Council
The poobahs at Great Wolf got hornswoggled into opening one of their hotel water parks in El Paso. Have you
I think it’s obscene that the City of El Paso asks the working poor to pay for luxury amenities for
This article originally appeared on 12 April 2017. Sure, half a billion dollars is a lot of money. Especially for
When Representative Dr. Sam Morgan talked about Operational Security and him knowing things that we didn’t know, I hope he
If you’re happy with the way things are going at City Hall, you’re not paying attention. The El Paso Times
From the El Paso Inc.: El Paso Mayor Dee Margo appears to have sidestepped the city’s public information rules and
City Council has shown a complete disregard for what many members of the community care about. They’ve made their decisions