This post originally appeared on October 3, 2017. They felt the wind and thought it was their own breath. When

The dog barks, and the caravan moves on.
This post originally appeared on October 3, 2017. They felt the wind and thought it was their own breath. When
This piece originally appeared on 13 August 2012. All across American, downtowns are in trouble. They’re dead, or dying. It’s
This article originally appeared on 18 December 2014. El Paso is a cash-strapped town. Nobody foresaw that our boom years,
You might no be so pissed off when you wrote that property tax check if your money was going for
This article originally appeared on 12 April 2017. Sure, half a billion dollars is a lot of money. Especially for
In March, KFOX14 reported that the streetcars are a money pit. KFOX14 Investigates learned in the first four months of
Those poor little rich folk. They can’t go to dive bars, or downtown Juarez. They’ll never know the joys of
On the occasion of Super Bowl LIII, John Stossel reminds us. Watch this video on YouTube Fortunately, we’re smarter than
Oh, the irony. Here’s a great interview from the September 8, 2009, issue of the El Paso Inc. with an
When you make decisions behind closed doors, without public input, you better be right. So far, our city hasn’t been
According to Wikipedia, Open government is the governing doctrine which holds that citizens have the right to access the documents
This article originally appeared on 19 April 2018, but let me say it again. Advocates of the Quality of Life
Here’s an article a reader alerted me to, which pretty much sums up the City’s position: Hope is a psychological
I think it’s obscene that the City of El Paso asks the working poor to pay for luxury amenities for
An alert reader pointed out that this week, that bastion of liberal thinking, ran an article called Four Reasons
What if they’re doing it wrong? What if their plans for economic development are based on false assumptions? What if
We all live in our own bubbles. We hang out with people who think like us and dress like us
See that up there is a screen shot I grabbed off of KVIA’s website. The Hunt Family Foundation is advertising
There was this story from KVIA about the ballpark: It is year five for the El Paso Chihuahuas, and we
Advocates of the Quality of Life bonds completely misrepresented the facts before the 2012 elections. They minimized the impact on