I could tolerate the deck park, maybe, if the plans didn’t include widening the freeway, and increasing the traffic coming

The dog barks, and the caravan moves on.
I could tolerate the deck park, maybe, if the plans didn’t include widening the freeway, and increasing the traffic coming
Did you know that blight was a condition to creating a Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone in Texas? From the Texas
Here’s a story from Bloomberg CityLab about the futility of trying to reduce traffic congestion by widening freeways. “We know
An alert reader sent me to this story in New Mexico In Depth: Albuquerque voters will decide in November whether
The latest push from the people who want to build a deck over the freeway is connectivity. Connect those neighborhoods
From a September 5, 2021 article by Sara Sanchez in the El Paso Inc.: A multimillion-dollar project that includes rebuilding
Frequent flyer John G. Dungan made this comment on the post Your Representatives in Austin: Frankly, at this juncture, it
Here’s a highway article from the Texas Observer: In late 2020, TxDOT released renderings for I-35 that showed a 20-lane