Category: Corruption

The Deck is Coming
Here’s a message I received from TxDOT contractors via the Sunset Heights Neighborhood Association: As an interested party in the

Are They Still Going to Fix Tickets?
I guess you heard that we’ve got a new District Attorney. She takes office in January. She’s already made plans

I try to stay away from national politics on El Chuqueño, because I don’t want to alienate potential readers. Lots

We Should Fire Them All
I’m angry. From KFOX14.com: Five buildings throughout El Paso are being refurbished to assist the county combat COVID-19. . .

“Will You Support a Taxpayer Funded Soccer Stadium?”
That’s the question we should be asking candidates this election cycle. In the next four years, City Council will probably

Retrovision: The Effects of Corruption
This post originally appeared on 28 March 2019. Back in 2009, Woody Hunt talked about the effects of corruption in

The Oligarchs are Trying to Steal This Election
First it was that dark money campaign to “Support Our Leaders”. Now it’s this email from Woody Hunt. From: Woody Hunt

The Power of the Mayor
The truth is, there isn’t a lot the Mayor of El Paso can do. He doesn’t get a vote on

The Death of Democracy in El Paso
Did you have a voice in the political process when City Council announced on a Thursday that they were going

“Card Tricks: How El Paso’s 2012 ‘Quality of Life’ Bond Election Got Riddled With Flimflam”
Here’s a piece on Medium.com written by veteran reporter Debbie Nathan, chronicling the run-up to the election. . . .

The Lies They Tell Us
Tomorrow the El Paso City Council will vote on a measure to indefinitely postpone the proposed arena in Duranguito. Let’s

The Great Ongoing Land Swindle
Way back on 30 July 2014, in a post titled Can El Paso Go Bankrupt?, I wrote: I mean, we’re

Campaign Finance Shenanigans
Those nice guys at The Forma Group lent almost $7,000 to their client Debbie Torres for her District 6 runoff

Who Rules El Paso?
I’ll give you a hint. Follow the money. There’s a new book out titled Who Rules El Paso? Give the

“Good Cause”
On December 5, I requested the employment contracts for City Manager Tommy Gonzalez from the City of El Paso via

Nothing to See Here
Did you hear about this in the media? This version is from the El Paso Times: The El Paso City

Does Tommy G Know El Paso?
Do you reckon City Manager Tommy Gonzalez has ever been to the east side? Has he ever had a beer

A Rose By Any Other Name
Here’s a story from KVIA: El Paso City Council members have approved spending more than a million dollars to renovate

Breaking News: The Ethics Commission Meets
Today at 1:30, the City Ethics Commission will meet in City Council Chambers to discuss the Ethics Complaint filed against