Brutus over there at ElPasoSpeak makes some good points with deeper implications, in this post titled EPISD bonds-story changes again.

The dog barks, and the caravan moves on.
Brutus over there at ElPasoSpeak makes some good points with deeper implications, in this post titled EPISD bonds-story changes again.
Multiple news sources report that the average price for gasoline in Mexico will rise from 14 to 20 percent in
People are wingeing all over my Facebook feed about this carrot-hybrid we elected to be president. Well, get used to
Good news, chuqueños. The foreboding sense of doom you’ve been feeling for the past several years is not a brain
I lifted this from the Paso del Sur’s Facebook page about their meeting with elected officials last Friday. For all
Did you see this story about the husband of former City Representative Ann Morgan Lilly allegedly assaulting Mayor Oscar Leeser’s
Have you done your holiday shopping yet? Or maybe you need some libations for the end of year celebration. Either
You heard that yesterday City Council voted 4-2 to build the downtown arena anywhere but the Duranguito/Union Plaza neighborhood. There
The El Paso Times’ recent article by the Russians on the lady with 6,000 Christmas trees made me realize that
Well, it looks like the City of El Paso will do a better thing than kick poor people out of
It looks increasingly like City Staff are giving direction to City Council instead of the other way around. Like this
Remember Jack Handey? He went to Eastwood, and wrote Deep Thoughts for Saturday Night Live, back when SNL was good.
Yesterday I went to Juarez for the feast day of the Virgin of Guadalupe. Our Lady of Guadalupe is the
Here’s an article about Winston-Salem from Politico, from a series called What Works. The series is dedicated to exploring the
According to reliable taxista Benjamin, the Kentucky Club is open again. “They’ve been open about eight days,” he told me
God bless those nice people in city government. They are completely clueless. Here’s a letter to the editor of the
Remember when you were four or five, and you found out that Santa Claus was just a character invented by
Why is City Council in such a hurry to build an arena? Well, City Council won’t tell us, so I
I shouldn’t put all the blame for city governance on bad intentions. I’m sure that almost everyone involved wants the
There’s a lot of talk about how El Paso could be the next Oklahoma City, developing downtown through sports infrastructure.