This article originally appeared on 27 November 2017. I updated the chart to show the most recent available from the

The dog barks, and the caravan moves on.
This article originally appeared on 27 November 2017. I updated the chart to show the most recent available from the
Woohoo! Yeah, the Miners suck, again, those poor dears. And people are running away from El Paso like it’s on
Didn’t you think that the proposed downtown arena was for professional sports? Wasn’t there a lot of talk about an
From the El Paso Times: Downtown El Paso’s slow-to-grow housing market is getting a new addition when a 13-story office
That’s the latest rumor to emanate from the bowels of City Hall. According to the rumor, the City of El
Downtown El Paso used to belong to all El Pasoans. Sure, there was poverty. But there were also places that
Here’s a Steve Jobs quote: A players hire A players, but B players hire C players and C players hire
Really. That’s what they do. They got rich building housing for military families, all over the world. If you believe
I came across this press release from the City from back when iFly announced their move into Monticello. The City’s
From the El Paso Times: Big Tuna USA, a company with a unique niche in the North American pipe industry,
Here’s a great piece by local freelance photo-journalist Henry Carver about the recently destroyed migrant tent camps in Ciudad Juarez.
El Paso house prices are rising, abetted, perhaps, by the Central Appraisal District’s increase in valuations. But is the tail
I’m not in favor of selling El Paso Electric to J.P. Morgan. I’ve seen enough movies to know that you’re
Good news, everybody. From El Paso City Council received an update on its financial report for 2019 Tuesday, which
Nothings going to change if we don’t have the courage of our convictions. Nothing’s going to change if all we
This article originally appeared on 17 January 2017. What do you think has more effect on the El Paso economy.
Can we get the members and board members of the Borderplex Alliance to co-sign on some of the bonds the
This article originally appeared on 20 February 2017. Let’s pretend all our local “progressive” politicians and their benefactors are pure
According to El Diario de Juarez, MountainStar Sports Group is trying to put a big theme park in Cd. Juarez’
I have this thing at my house that’s like a teevee hooked up to a typewriter. In fact, I’m typing