They pitch these projects as drivers of economic development, but they stifle the monetization of local culture, and tax (literally)

The dog barks, and the caravan moves on.
They pitch these projects as drivers of economic development, but they stifle the monetization of local culture, and tax (literally)
Two weeks ago City Council rejected Mayor Oscar Leeser’s proposal to restrict the search for a City Manager to locals.
Debbie Nathan was a local hero. She’s still a hero, but she’s not local anymore. Ms. Nathan is an accomplished
They promised us economic development. They promised us a vibrant downtown. They promised us a minimal increase in property taxes.
This post originally appeared on 06 June 2013. This post has been slightly edited. As an El Pasoan, I appreciate
by Rich Wright When you’re in a hole, stop digging. It’s time to acknowledge that the Borderplex Alliance’s plan for
From 9 June 2013: “Why are we making a significant investment in Downtown? The answer’s very simple. When I come
It happened. El Paso City Manager Tommy Gonzalez got canned Tuesday after 7 or 8 years on the job. By
Everybody’s talking about all the Economic Development taking place downtown. Here, for instance, is that nice lady who has taken
Advocates say we need the arena as an engine of economic development. That’s not how economic development works. If you
Woody and Gayle Hunt are El Paso Inc.’s El Pasoans of the year, 2022. Here are couple of things that
The elected officials dress up, and look down at us from the dais, and once a week they might have
Max Grossman recently brought to light the uncomfortable fact that the water parks are losing millions of dollars every year.
I stumbled across this gem the other day. From the El Paso Chamber of Commerce: Recommended Action [regarding the 2012
I mean the richest people in El Paso. The people who got us into this mess. Do they have a
From The [El Paso City Council] voted to hire a San Francisco-based architecture firm to provide an updated cost
This post originally appeared on 23 April 2018. The advocates for the City’s Quality of Life projects pretend that we
Here’s a couple of factoids I extracted from this El Paso Times article about rising property valuations: The overall market
From Business Insider India: Inequality has remained persistently high for decades, and a new report shows just how stark the
Here’s a heartbreaking story from the El Paso Times. I am reprinting it in its entirety. This holiday season, the