Things are different now. If you get the Covid, you’re going to kill someone you love. Your grandmother. Your father.

The dog barks, and the caravan moves on.
Things are different now. If you get the Covid, you’re going to kill someone you love. Your grandmother. Your father.
Y’all remember when they pitched those 2102 Quality of Life bonds, they said it was “an economic development issue”. Here’s
Well, it looks like Brutus over there at has gone dark. His last post was May 17. Brutus did
Expectations drive the economy. Economists measure consumer confidence. The futures markets are self-fulfilling prophecies, to a degree. Politicians know that.
This article originally appeared on 08 March 2019. On March 8, 2013, El Paso Police Officer Jose Flores shot the
This article originally appeared on 03 Nov 2019. Are you interested in a great job in El Paso? Get on
Here’s a piece on written by veteran reporter Debbie Nathan, chronicling the run-up to the election. . . .
I came home the other day and some guy was messing with my gas meter. Turns out that Texas Gas
The future will look different. But let’s hope we’ve learned from the mistakes of the past. For the past couple
Minor league baseball is up against the wall, and it’s not because they’re trying to field a long ball to
This post originally appeared on 28 April 2015. Did you know, that no matter how much money MountainStar Sports Group
I used to live in the greatest country in the world. If there was a problem, we’d solve it. We’d
Watch this video on YouTube
This article originally appeared on 03 August 2015. If you only read the local newspapers, and maybe watch the City
In what world does cutting pay by five percent for the highest paid City staffers make sense? Tommy G is