This Is Not a Ghost Town Hillsboro, New Mexico, at the foot of the Black Range, almost 20 miles west

The dog barks, and the caravan moves on.
This Is Not a Ghost Town Hillsboro, New Mexico, at the foot of the Black Range, almost 20 miles west
The Way Things Weren’t Kingston, New Mexico isn’t a ghost town. But it’s also not the place of which it
Peace in the Valley Okay, it’s true that Monticello, New Mexico isn’t a full-on ghost town. Some folks do indeed
Almost No Kicks If you drive east of last week’s featured town of Newkirk on old Route 66, at some
Getting Less Kicks Newkirk, New Mexico is a bit of an enigma. It doesn’t show up in ghost town guides–probably
When Your Rope’s Too Long Clayton, New Mexico is a little bit out of the way. You’re probably not going
A Town With Two Names While the Man with No Name might feel right at home in the ghost town
High Pines About seven miles north of Silver City, New Mexico, on Hwy 15, at the gateway to the massive
In the Shadow of the Buffalo Hunters There are some towns out on the eastern plains of New Mexico, not
The Ruins by the Rails Ricardo, New Mexico is yet another of the many towns that came to life seemingly
Zinc Town Just three miles southeast of Fierro, New Mexico, the town featured a few weeks ago, is Hanover. Hanover
The war was almost over but we didn’t know it yet. I was still in bed. It was dark, but
Iron Town Let’s pay a visit to Fierro, New Mexico, in the southwestern part of the state, a few miles
A Little Piece of Quiet I might as well stop pretending that I’m going to write more regularly and admit
Pie Town, New Mexico In the pinon-juniper woodland west of Socorro, New Mexico, just east of the Arizona line, is
Cross Road Blues Back around 2013, Vaughn, New Mexico was probably best known for its police force, which consisted of
Paying a Visit to the Williams It’s time to head south out of House, New Mexico, drop down off the
On the Edge of the Staked Plain The more I learn about the Llano Estacado, or Staked Plain, the massive
A Lively and Energetic Place The first thing that strikes one about Pep, at least before visiting, is its name.
Hitting the Bricks Lincoln County, New Mexico is Billy the Kid country. The Kid gained his reputation in the Lincoln