The old. The sick. And some other group, harder to define. Maybe you’re part of that other group. Maybe you’re

The dog barks, and the caravan moves on.
The old. The sick. And some other group, harder to define. Maybe you’re part of that other group. Maybe you’re
First it was the mystery mailers, and teevee ads, urging voters to support their “leaders”. Then it was that email
Here’s part of a questionnaire the El Paso Times gave to Mayor Dee Margo: 17. Do you support tax breaks/incentives
This article originally appeared on 03 August 2015. If you only read the local newspapers, and maybe watch the City
Way back on 30 July 2014, in a post titled Can El Paso Go Bankrupt?, I wrote: I mean, we’re
The people running El Paso are delusional. They’re drunk. Drunk on power and ego. They latched onto this idea that
Will it benefit you? Tomorrow, City Council will consider amending the parameters of Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone 13, that TIRZ
From the El Paso Times: Downtown El Paso’s slow-to-grow housing market is getting a new addition when a 13-story office
Can we get the members and board members of the Borderplex Alliance to co-sign on some of the bonds the
I’ll give you a hint. Follow the money. There’s a new book out titled Who Rules El Paso? Give the
From the people who brought you the Glass Beach Study. Here’s a nice video promoting El Paso, Las Cruces and
Now in our “vibrant downtown!” From Blood has become big business in the United States and there is no
Here’s an article I found on, parts of which correspond to our situation in El Paso. The current issue
Y’all remember the Paso del Norte Group. Back in the aughts, they were going to launch El Paso’s renaissance. They
I don’t know it you noticed, but the citizens of El Paso lost that election the other day. The City
The power dynamic has subtly shifted at City Hall. The developers used to call the shots. But, since El Paso’s
This article originally appeared on 03 May 2018. The City of El Paso is implementing a plan that some rich
They said it was about Economic Development. They said that once we built those Quality of Life projects, companies would
This week there’s a column by the editor of the El Paso Inc. about how great DWNTWN is doing. Property