All those QoL projects are stupid. I think that none of them will significantly improve anyone’s real Quality of Life,
Category: Taxes
Now It’s Just a Matter of Time
Well, we’ve got bars and hotels. Triple A ball. A nice park in the middle of downtown. Pokemon Go. Big
A Rare Word from the El Paso Times
This was on their website today: The problem is that people tend to gauge their ability to afford purchases based

“You messed up. You trusted us.”
The media is asking us to remember that our taxes are going up because we approved all those tax intensive
Property Taxes are Like Global Warming
Our local media like to tell you how much a property tax increase is going to cost you. But your
I’m taking a mulligan.
Yesterday I dropped the ball. Occasional commenter Henry offered this in response to my post about the popular exodus from
The Truth About the EPISD Bond Proposal
The El Paso Independent School District is asking voters to approve a $669 million bond. (I bet it was $666
Manufacturing Consent
The EPISD School Board claims that recommending less than what the Bond Committee asked for would be “disrespecting” the committee.
Well, there it is. The El Paso Times reports that the University Medical Center, overseen by the El Paso County
I’m Too Clever by Half
Fellow blogger Mr. Jaime Abeytia informed me, via a response to a comment I made on his blog and through
Did they, or didn’t they?
Did the Commissioners Court publish their intent to raise their salaries in a local newspaper of general circulation? Because according
Stacking the Deck So Everyone Loses
Do you reckon that the El Paso Independent School District will put mobile voting stations in their high schools the
The El Paso Times: Duplicitous, or Grossly Incompetent?
Like every other sentient being in the Mexoplex, you have probably wondered if the El Paso Times is biased or
Did you drop the soap?
Did you hear that the County Commissioners voted to give themselves a $26,569 annual pay increase? “I think it was
Count Your Blessings
The El Paso Independent School District is asking voters to approve a $600 million bond because of declining enrollment. Think
And Champagne in the Cafeterias
The El Paso Times reports that this year every EPISD high school student will be issued a laptop. Are you
Term Limits
Term limits are a good idea. If you are special interests promoting a certain agenda. Because once a politician has
Never Saw It Coming
According to this story in the El Paso Times, the proposed budget for next year requires a increase in property
Where are we going?
I spent the weekend in Marfa. Marfa is like the Disneyland version of West Texas, like Main Street USA. Plenty
Population Statistics: An Inconvenient Truth
I’m sure you’ve heard the news: It’s All Good. But that trite homily hides an ugly truth. For the year