The word in the smoke-filled back rooms of the the back alleys of the side streets of the halls of

The dog barks, and the caravan moves on.
The word in the smoke-filled back rooms of the the back alleys of the side streets of the halls of
There are lots of places where people can live and El Paso is one of them. Unfortunately for the El
The City can’t. Which is probably why they can’t stop making mistakes. If you’re going to pretend your mistake never
I’ve been chasing someone else’s disposable income my whole life. Before slinging drinks on the front lines of the service
What if they’re doing it wrong? What if their plans for economic development are based on false assumptions? What if
This, from KTSM: City Council approved a controversial proposal Tuesday to create a special taxing zone to spur development along
From the Office of the Attorney General of the State of Texas’ Open Meetings Handbook 2018: 2. Section 551.072. Deliberations
That’s the phrase District 4 Representative Sam Morgan used to justify his vote for TIRZ 12 at yesterday’s City Council
We all live in our own bubbles. We hang out with people who think like us and dress like us
This article originally appeared on November 11, 2013. By now you may have read this story by David Crowder about
This article originally appeared more than four years ago, on July 30, 2014. I mean, we’re not like other towns.
Did you hear that the City of El Paso, along with some private investors, are going to build a Children’s
Did you see this story on KVIA? El Paso City Council is considering establishing a Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ)
The City offered up their newly minted Chief Financial Officer to defend our sky high tax rates. Here’s David Crowder
Look, I don’t want to ruin the political discourse at City Hall by introducing things like common sense and logic,
What’s it for? To make El Paso more attractive to the Army big brass? Or for El Pasoans. I don’t
This post originally appeared on 30 July 2015. Things haven’t improved since then. El Paso is like that really nice
The City of El Paso is implementing a plan that some rich guys came up with behind closed doors in
From KVIA’s story about the City’s mounting debt: “The city is being very responsible with the way we’re issuing debt,”
Is city government representing you? Or is it working for the fat cats who have a financial interest in all