City Council will meet in a Special Session this afternoon with only one item on the agenda: Discussion and action

The dog barks, and the caravan moves on.
City Council will meet in a Special Session this afternoon with only one item on the agenda: Discussion and action
As you probably know, the City of El Paso is in the throes of redrawing district boundaries. The City Charter
The Distrticting Commission meets tomorrow at 4 p.m. in Council Chambers. Also, the Districting Commission is having regular meetings in
Here’s a gentle reminder that the City’s Districting Commission meets today, January 12, at 4:00 in Council Chambers in City
Did you know that the District 1 representative and the District 8 representative live (or at least are registered to
KTSM tells us that the City is inviting the public to attend, either virtually or in person, the meetings of
Here’s a link to the City of El Paso’s map of the City’s Representative districts. It’s a hash. One can