[Our shrinking tax base isn’t a new thing. This article originally appeared on August 5, 2014. Since then, our city
Category: Economic Development
You Break It, You Buy It
Naw, we’ll just stick it to the taxpayers. Woody Hunt is a smart man. He’s studied public corruption. Here’s what
Looking Back
Look at this chart from Interim Director of Municipal Financial Operations Robert Cortinas’ presentation last Tuesday: It shows the growth
The American Collapse
Here’s a disturbing essay from Medium that details symptoms of America’s collapse. When we take a hard look at US
Support For the Arena?
Those arena advocates are always quick to point out that the Quality of Life bond measure was supported by over
Retrovision: The Road to Economic Development
This is a lightly edited version of an article that originally appeared on 6 June 2013. Since then, very little
Big Changes at City Hall
Remember when the rationale for all those pricey public amenities was “to shift the property tax burden from residential to
Tomorrow’s City Council Agenda
Tomorrow should be rip-roaring City Council meeting. City Council will vote tomorrow on an item limiting their own ability to
Does This Sound Like El Paso?
From a 2009 El Paso Inc. interview with Woody Hunt: Q. How does corruption impact economic development? If the procurement
Retrovision: An Arena? Really?
This article originally appeared on January 10, 2017. Over the last twenty years, we’ve spent a lot of money on
Retrovision: Regional Economic Development
This article originally appeared on 13 August 2015. The Borderplex Alliance, an entity dedicated to regional economic development, commissioned a
Conveniently Located Halfway Between Warsaw, Poland, and the Fiji Islands
I wasn’t able to attend yesterday’s special City Council meeting. So I didn’t get to witness the Hunt Institute for
Isn’t That Special
Today there’s a special meeting of City Council. I was hoping to attend, but life had other plans for me.
Ballpark Numbers Updated
An alert reader sent me this spreadsheet which shows the actual numbers for the ballpark. Four years in and we’re
Ballpark Numbers
Are you troubled by insomnia? Then I’ve got some ballpark numbers that should put you right to sleep. Because there
Will Tourism Save Us?
Besides call centers, the City of El Paso’s economic development policy seems to be solely focused on tourism as a
A Second Bite at the Apple
The city budget is fat. Obviously they have extra money. Lookie here. From the El Paso Times: The city will
More Lies From Those Lying Liars
Another City Council meeting, another cubic yard of manure. From our English language daily: The city will issue an extra
Retrovision: The City’s War on Small Business
This post originally appeared on December 7, 2016. God bless those nice people in city government. They are completely clueless.
Allocating Scarce Resources
Income is finite. That’s a hard concept to get your mind around, because income, in aggregate, is so large, and