It was Proposition A: “Should section 3.1 of the City Charter, relating to creation, composition; powers and duties of Council

The dog barks, and the caravan moves on.
It was Proposition A: “Should section 3.1 of the City Charter, relating to creation, composition; powers and duties of Council
by Max Grossman Elisa S. Perez of El Paso Matters independently obtained records of City Council gas card usage going
by Rich Wright You Are Not the You in U-Matter KVIA continues its block busting reporting with more information of
by Rich Wright Did you see this report from KVIA? Former District 6 City of El Paso Representative Claudia Rodriguez
If you look at the Census Bureau estimates for El Paso’s population, the inflection point was 2012. It didn’t turn
by Max Grossman The American Community Survey (ACS) of the Census Bureau has revealed that as of July 2022, the
by Max Grossman In its reporting on the City gas card scandal, KVIA has reminded our community why it is
by Rich Wright From The Wealth of Nations: “To hurt in any degree the interest of any one order of
by Max Grossman Vic Kolenc of the El Paso Times and the Staff of the El Paso Inc have both
by Max Grossman According to the Texas Comptroller, “Chapter 380 of the Local Government Code authorizes municipalities to offer incentives
Last night I got this email from Max Grossman: The Financial Oversight and Audit Committee (FOAC) will be meeting tomorrow
I lifted this image from the FY2023 City of El Paso Budget Book: You’ll notice that this year we payed
by Rich Wright I get it. If you can believe everything the City is telling us (always a dubious proposition),
by Max Grossman Luisa Barrios of KTSM 9 News broke the “news” on Thursday that the Kroll Bond Rating Agency
El Paso’s population growth continues to stagnate, according to this report in El Paso County’s population grew by fewer
Look up at that graph there. I lifted it from the budget presentation that the City gave to City Council
It’s good to have a plan. Like the Cheshire Cat said to Alice, if you don’t know where you’re going,
This item appeared in the Whispers column of this week’s El Paso Inc.: So, who’s next? As you know, the
It happened. El Paso City Manager Tommy Gonzalez got canned Tuesday after 7 or 8 years on the job. By
This is the text of an email that I received 30 September 2022. by Max Grossman THE OPERATING DEFICIT OF