Brutus over there at ElPasoSpeak alerted me to this list from Canadian data muncher Point2Homes that ranks housing affordability in

The dog barks, and the caravan moves on.
Brutus over there at ElPasoSpeak alerted me to this list from Canadian data muncher Point2Homes that ranks housing affordability in
Short answer: We don’t. I mean, except by the bank accounts of our community’s wealthiest citizens. They’re not going to
Here’s a list of lobbyists registered with the City of El Paso. There are links to their lobbying activity during
Perhaps they meant well. Maybe they were trying to seize the moment. Maybe they thought that the tide had turned,
Maybe you read this in the El Paso Times: El Paso’s Hispanic, bilingual workforce was a major selling point for
City Government does what the rich folks want, and then tells the rest of us it’s good for us. It’s
I almost feel sorry for those nice people at the City. They try so hard. But even with the best
To hear him tell it, he’s a victim. From the El Paso Times story about the money the City has
Lookie here. Here’s a slide from the presentation that the City of El Paso’s Director of Economic Development Jessica Herrera
El Paso is a great town. The people are friendly and unpretentious. The weather’s good, mostly. The sunsets are often
That’s all I want. Government responsive to the needs of its citizens. All its citizens. Not just the campaign donors.
According to this story in the El Paso Inc., jobs in El Paso pay only 72 percent of the national
Was it a change in the weather, or is that what it feels like when the worm turns? Things are
LimeBike recently raised $50 million in its second round of capital funding to expand its operations in the U.S. The
Finally, this weekend the El Paso Times ran a guest column bylined by our beloved mayor. Here’s a piece of
Good news, everybody. The local economy is doing great. From the El Paso Inc.: What if someone said the U.S.
Here’s a video from and Nike, celebrating Chicano culture and the Cortez. The contributions of Los Angeles’s Chicanos to
Our city leaders are trying to give El Paso all the soul of an airport food court. That’s bad, but
Here’s a story I came across in US News and World Report: After years of stagnation, New Mexico’s economy is
Maybe you’ve been wondering what the taxpayers could do for the Hunts and WestStar Bank to thank them for all