You have, no doubt, heard the oft repeated factoid that El Paso is the 19th biggest city in the U.S.
Category: Brand El Paso
The 5 C’s
When I was in grade school, shortly after the discovery of fire but before the invention of the wheel, we
The Sixty-Four Dollar Question
This week’s Question and Answer session in the El Paso Inc. is an interview with Patrick Schaefer, Executive Director of
A Strategic Plan for Downtown Development
Here’s how you hyper-vitalize downtown El Paso, and develop its reputation as the coolest city in the Southwest: Buy the
The Gift That Keeps on Giving
Isn’t anyone from Mountain Star Sports Group interested in a little crisis management? Don’t they realize that they’re hemorrhaging? Today
Crazy Joe Muench
Two recent columns by El Paso Times’ Joe Muench question the straw men opposing progress in El Paso. Here’s one,
Bland El Paso
I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. And maybe it wasn’t that much of a secret. But really, they should have
The Road to Economic Development
As an El Pasoan, I appreciate the civic improvements that City Hall is foisting on us. (Can I even call