According to this story in the USAToday online (which an alert reader directed me to), El Paso was the ninth

The dog barks, and the caravan moves on.
According to this story in the USAToday online (which an alert reader directed me to), El Paso was the ninth
This story from Harper’s is about New York, but it’s the formula our city fathers are emulating. New York has
The City can’t. Which is probably why they can’t stop making mistakes. If you’re going to pretend your mistake never
I’ve been chasing someone else’s disposable income my whole life. Before slinging drinks on the front lines of the service
This article originally appeared on 24 August 2017. Here’s a letter to the editor from the El Paso Times: Here
Here’s another killer essay about the decline of American civilization. A friend, recently, told me a very interesting and telling
We all live in our own bubbles. We hang out with people who think like us and dress like us
Today is trash day in my neighborhood Barrio Heights. Last night, as I was falling to sleep, I realized that
Okay, sports fans, I know that some of you are trying to keep score at home, so here are some
Advocates of the Quality of Life bonds completely misrepresented the facts before the 2012 elections. They minimized the impact on
Here’s the headline and lede of a story on KVIA: El Paso makes top 125 list of best places to
From the Texas Standard: “I make a good living,” Watson says. “But the city has really made it hard to
This is the sidewalk on Cincinnati Street. You remember. The City just spent money to make it nice. They put
If you found fifty bucks on the street, what would you do with it? Pay down your credit card debt?
Last week I created a link to the Interim Director of Municipal Financial Operations’ presentation to City Council, which contained
This article originally appeared on January 10, 2017. Over the last twenty years, we’ve spent a lot of money on
This article originally appeared on 13 August 2015. The Borderplex Alliance, an entity dedicated to regional economic development, commissioned a
Besides call centers, the City of El Paso’s economic development policy seems to be solely focused on tourism as a
Another City Council meeting, another cubic yard of manure. From our English language daily: The city will issue an extra
Income is finite. That’s a hard concept to get your mind around, because income, in aggregate, is so large, and