Here’s a disturbing essay from Medium that details symptoms of America’s collapse. When we take a hard look at US

The dog barks, and the caravan moves on.
Here’s a disturbing essay from Medium that details symptoms of America’s collapse. When we take a hard look at US
The annual Golden Gloves Regional Boxing Tournament is this weekend at the County Coliseum. The fights start Friday at 7:00,
Max is killing it. Here’s an email I got from him last night. Dear Friends, The League of Women Voters
Those arena advocates are always quick to point out that the Quality of Life bond measure was supported by over
Wood and Wire is an extremely talented and very nice bluegrass band from Austin, Texas. From their bio: It’s been
This is a lightly edited version of an article that originally appeared on 6 June 2013. Since then, very little
Remember when the rationale for all those pricey public amenities was “to shift the property tax burden from residential to
It’s just not what it used to be. From CNN: Before 2001, Budweiser was the top-selling U.S. beer, but it
Tomorrow should be rip-roaring City Council meeting. City Council will vote tomorrow on an item limiting their own ability to
Over the top characters drive this hyper-violent crime story based on a graphic novel. Watch this video on YouTube Check
It’s Men in Black. With vampires. In Moscow. Check it out, if you’ve got an hour and a half
Here’s a Dutch short that is supposed to closely resemble the movie The Shape of Water. Watch this video on
Where is it? Here’s the Financial Reports page for City of El Paso’s Office of the Comptroller. The latest Comprehensive
Here’s a Keanu Reeves movie about dirty cops. Watch this video on YouTube Check it out.
From a 2009 El Paso Inc. interview with Woody Hunt: Q. How does corruption impact economic development? If the procurement
This article originally appeared on January 10, 2017. Over the last twenty years, we’ve spent a lot of money on
Watch this video on YouTube It sounds like English, but they definitely dance in Italian.
Back in 2009, El Paso Inc. ran an interview titled Q and A with Woody Hunt The Real Cost of
This article originally appeared on 13 August 2015. The Borderplex Alliance, an entity dedicated to regional economic development, commissioned a
From Thomas Wolfe’s novel about the time preceding the stock market crash of 1929: “But he spoke at length about