This post originally appeared on 5 April 2016. In my next life, I want to come back as a member

The dog barks, and the caravan moves on.
This post originally appeared on 5 April 2016. In my next life, I want to come back as a member
Entering the United State illegally is a misdemeanor, like taking a sip of beer in the parking lot of a
The word in the smoke-filled back rooms of the the back alleys of the side streets of the halls of
I found the models for Cimi’s Segundo Barrio mural. I bet they don’t even know that they’re famous.
This story from Harper’s is about New York, but it’s the formula our city fathers are emulating. New York has
Here’s a 1956 film noir with some nice cinematography. With Brian Keith, Aldo Ray, Annette Benning, and Rudy Bond. Watch
An alert reader sent me this relevant article from Salon: [A]s the adage goes, all economics is local. One part
You hear it all the time. “Thank you so much.” Well, how much is so much? Is it more than
The City thinks the way to make El Paso attractive is to tart her up like a hooker in a
There are lots of places where people can live and El Paso is one of them. Unfortunately for the El
The City can’t. Which is probably why they can’t stop making mistakes. If you’re going to pretend your mistake never
I’ve been chasing someone else’s disposable income my whole life. Before slinging drinks on the front lines of the service
What if they’re doing it wrong? What if their plans for economic development are based on false assumptions? What if
Here’s Jet Li in a 1994 action flick. What else is there to say? Watch this video on YouTube Check
I went by the liquor mega-store this week and there were four cars in the parking lot. Inside there were
The Central Appraisal District tells us that house values are up 7.6 percent this year. While the U.S. Census Bureau
This article originally appeared on 24 August 2017. Here’s a letter to the editor from the El Paso Times: Here
The media aren’t going to do it. Have any of them reported on El Paso’s abysmal population growth rate? Have
Here’s another killer essay about the decline of American civilization. A friend, recently, told me a very interesting and telling
This, from KTSM: City Council approved a controversial proposal Tuesday to create a special taxing zone to spur development along