By Bob Chessey This is Part 2 of a three part series. You can read Part 1 here. The Valera Affair One year later Harry

The dog barks, and the caravan moves on.
by Rich Wright Every election year you hear it. “Is this the best we can do?” For president, we’ve got
Tax Increment Reinvestment Zones are a dubiously effective economic development tool. In El Paso, TIRZs are used to deprive the
by Rich Wright From Peter Pacillas was named the permanent chief of the El Paso Police Department after a
Here’s a story from FrankNews about what happens to some of your El Paso neighbors. It’s strange. Something’s happening. It’s
This post originally appeared on 04 September 2018. What are the factors that contribute to drug abuse and addiction? We
from Max Grossman Dear Mayor and City Council, In 2017, the El Paso County Commissioners Court conducted an architectural survey
by Max Grossman Those in our media who have had contact with the City’s Director of Strategic Communications, Laura Cruz-Acosta,
by Rich Wright From The federal government plans to spend up to $700 million on an expansion of the
by Max Grossman Our property tax consists of the combined levies of five local taxing entities. If you live within the
The problem with giving our “public servants” big salaries is that it changes who they are and who they serve.
by Max Grossman Michael Apodaca, Chair of the El Paso County Democratic Party, issued a press release today attacking the