by Rich Wright Former City Manager Joyce Wilson must be off her meds again, God bless her. Here is the

The dog barks, and the caravan moves on.
by Rich Wright Former City Manager Joyce Wilson must be off her meds again, God bless her. Here is the
The Guardian says that fossil fuel industries are welfare queens. The fossil fuel industry benefits from subsidies of $11m every
Even though I don’t own any capital, I am a capitalist. I still believe that capitalism is the most effective
This article originally appeared on 27 November 2017. I updated the chart to show the most recent available from the
From the El Paso Times: Downtown El Paso’s slow-to-grow housing market is getting a new addition when a 13-story office
That’s the latest rumor to emanate from the bowels of City Hall. According to the rumor, the City of El
This article originally appeared on 17 January 2017. What do you think has more effect on the El Paso economy.
Can we get the members and board members of the Borderplex Alliance to co-sign on some of the bonds the
Y’all remember the Paso del Norte Group. Back in the aughts, they were going to launch El Paso’s renaissance. They
The power dynamic has subtly shifted at City Hall. The developers used to call the shots. But, since El Paso’s
This article originally appeared on 03 May 2018. The City of El Paso is implementing a plan that some rich
Brutus had a good post at yesterday. His post included this slide: Perhaps you’ll remember this article titled Whose
You might no be so pissed off when you wrote that property tax check if your money was going for
This article originally appeared on 12 April 2017. Sure, half a billion dollars is a lot of money. Especially for
Our recent municipal expenses are based on the (secret) idea that Phoenix outpaced El Paso in economic development since 1950
Today, City Council decided to give the farm to Great Wolf Resorts, in the form of swathes of land, obscene
The City must have stayed up late figuring out how to swindle the taxpayers with that new Great Wolf Lodge.
El Paso Inc. this week had a nice feature on Hunt Companies’ development in Northwest El Paso. Have you been
The poobahs at Great Wolf got hornswoggled into opening one of their hotel water parks in El Paso. Have you
An alert reader pointed out that this week, that bastion of liberal thinking, ran an article called Four Reasons