From John Bolton, a former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations and former White House national security adviser, said

The dog barks, and the caravan moves on.
From John Bolton, a former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations and former White House national security adviser, said
This story from Daniel Marans, a HuffPost reporter who covers the Democratic Party, on Thursday discussed his recent story on
In order to level the playing field with ambulatory vendors on the bridge, Immigration and Customs Enforcement has restricted the
Here’s a disturbing essay from Medium that details symptoms of America’s collapse. When we take a hard look at US
Here’s a provoking video from those critical thinkers at that punctures some illusions. Watch this video on YouTube Check
Here’s an interesting hypothesis: The country is in it’s sorry state because the Baby Boomers are sociopaths. Even before the
What if our recent spate of mass violence is just a symptom of our country’s bigger issues? Like putting people
Here’s the latest awareness from Homeland Security, via KVIA: U.S. Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly said Friday that he told
Here’s an interesting perspective on September 11 and the War on Terror, from the Nation: On the morning of September