The Georgia State Board of Education has decided to allow high school students to include computer coding as a core
Category: Economic Development
Skipping Along the Primrose Path
Do y’all read Old Brutus is a bulldog. I know he looks like a Rottweiler, but really he’s a
The real story?
Given the nearly constant, egregious, dysfunctional, behavior of City Council and City Government, don’t you think that the recent righteous
Who can you trust?
The following paragraph appeared in the El Paso Times December 8, 2015 attempt to impose moral rectitude on City Hall,
The Ouija Speaks
Why, you are probably asking yourself, would El Paso need a downtown arena? I mean we’ve got the Don Haskins
Light at the end of the tunnel?
Did you see this story in the El Paso Times? On Tuesday, the City Council was supposed to take action
We’re Too Nice
People in El Paso are nice. That’s why we put up with so much crap. We don’t want to hurt
“Cast Down Your Bucket”
Before he mastered the B3, Booker T. Washington was an influential Black American. Here’s a paragraph from a speech he
A Question, Dr. CFO, If You Please
This article from The Atlantic’s City Lab, titled The Accounting Rules That Bankrupt Cities raises some interesting questions for El
Remember this story from a couple of days ago, in which City Manager Tommy Gonzalez said that El Paso can
Remember the Alamo
By now you’ve probably seen this story on KVIA. EL PASO, Texas – Political considerations may have cost the City
The Politics of Incompetence
Remember how the settlement agreement for Children’s Hospital bankruptcy included a provision that critic Andy Krafsur wouldn’t be allowed to
The Myth of “Job Creators”
This TED talk was reportedly banned. I guess it makes an uncomfortable amount of sense.
Wealth Distribution in America
Hey, it’s the weekend. Reading is hard work, so here’s a video about wealth distribution in America. How do you
This Just In
Did you see this story in the El Paso Times? Much to my surprise, there’s a school on the east
What’s that smell?
Sometimes, when I read the El Paso Times, I wonder if they think we’re all stupid of if they’re just
Who Are These ‘Young Professionals’?
Did you see this story in the El Paso Times? The city is seeking proposals for an urban mixed-use, high-rise
Give Us the Future
Maybe you haven’t been paying attention. Maybe you’ve been frittering your time away, worried about life’s mundane details like putting
What will El Paso look like in ten years? Who knows? But you can bet that it will look different.
Start Worrying
According to data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, El Paso’s employment fell from 322,863 in August, 2013 to