You know, the City used to justify municipal extravagance with the rationalization that we need to swing our tax base
Category: City Council
Retrovision: What’s Wrong With El Paso
This post originally appeared on 27 August 2012, shortly after man harnessed fire and before the invention of the wheel.
Smells Fishy
The El Paso Inc. this week came out with this enticing story: An El Paso businessman has commissioned an independent
Unintended Consequences
Sometime in the murky past, the City moved the date of local elections to coincide with state and national elections.
Clueless in El Chuco
An alert reader forwarded me District 8 City Representative Cissy Lizarraga’s latest newsletter. Rep. Lizarraga is proud to tell her
Brother, Can You Spare a Billion Bucks?
This November, the City of El Paso will ask its taxpayers to approve a $940 million bond. From “At
Chime the F Off
From today’s print version of the El Paso Times: City staff said 2,200 El Pasoans participated in a community-wide survey
Quality of Life
What makes for a good quality of life? I may be shallow, but my Quality of Life is improved when
WSJ On Tax Incentives: A Race to the Bottom
Here’s a story from last week’s Wall Street Journal about using tax incentives to lure businesses: Concerns have mounted in
It’s All Tommy G
Look, when they hired him, they told him that we were sitting on a half a billion dollars of Quality
“And the Winner Is . . .”
Yay! We’re Number 1 on another list! The Lincoln Institute for Land Policy has come out with their list of
The Trouble With The Trouble With Term Limits
Way back at the end of May, I made the argument that term limits restrict the electorate’s ability to retain
Free Streetcar Rides!
Good news! If you are one of those people who usually takes the bus from UTEP to downtown, or vice
Rising property taxes don’t help small businesses. And all these vanity projects aren’t making the pie any bigger. Where is
Just Like Democracy. Except not.
Did you hear about the latest attempt by your favorite City Council to stifle any voice of dissent? From the
Welcome to the Future
I’m in downtown Ensenada. Downtown Ensenada on a Monday night is like Mexican Vegas after the apocalypse. The streets are
Retrovision: Forget the Arena
This article originally appeared on 8 February 2017. Here’s a feel-good story from the El Paso Times about how few
Local Government Is Absurd
Here’s a Letter to the Editor of the El Paso Times from Lower Valley resident Christopher Falk. Once again the
What’s It For?
Why are we still trying to build an arena? MountainStar’s not hot on it anymore. They’re worried about their soccer
The Trouble With Term Limits
Currently, El Paso’s elected officials are limited to two terms in office. That means that once they figure out what’s