Way back on 30 July 2014, in a post titled Can El Paso Go Bankrupt?, I wrote: I mean, we’re

The dog barks, and the caravan moves on.
Way back on 30 July 2014, in a post titled Can El Paso Go Bankrupt?, I wrote: I mean, we’re
Will it benefit you? Tomorrow, City Council will consider amending the parameters of Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone 13, that TIRZ
A lot of people have been saying that El Paso has the second highest homestead tax rate in the country,
In 2012, the City of El Paso began implementing a strategic plan to foster economic development in the area. According
This article originally appeared on 27 November 2017. I updated the chart to show the most recent available from the
Woohoo! Yeah, the Miners suck, again, those poor dears. And people are running away from El Paso like it’s on
Didn’t you think that the proposed downtown arena was for professional sports? Wasn’t there a lot of talk about an
From the El Paso Times: Downtown El Paso’s slow-to-grow housing market is getting a new addition when a 13-story office
Here’s a Steve Jobs quote: A players hire A players, but B players hire C players and C players hire
It’s that time again. Your property taxes are due without penalty by January 31. The riches are shuffling and refinancing
El Paso house prices are rising, abetted, perhaps, by the Central Appraisal District’s increase in valuations. But is the tail
I’m not in favor of selling El Paso Electric to J.P. Morgan. I’ve seen enough movies to know that you’re
This article originally appeared on 17 January 2017. What do you think has more effect on the El Paso economy.
Can we get the members and board members of the Borderplex Alliance to co-sign on some of the bonds the
I’ve heard rumors that J.P. Morgan is having a little hard time coming up with the $4.3 billion they need
On December 5, I requested the employment contracts for City Manager Tommy Gonzalez from the City of El Paso via
I guess you’ve heard the news. El Paso’s not growing. Our birthrate is falling. School enrollment is down. Those aren’t
Man, this Electric Company deal is turning out to be like an old B movie. Opposing the deal are some
I don’t know it you noticed, but the citizens of El Paso lost that election the other day. The City
From the Wall Street Journal: St. Louis business leaders looking to boost tourism and development spent years bringing the Loop