According to this story on news aggregator, El Paso women can find abortions. A woman in El Paso would
Author: elrichiboy
No, I really blew it. I mean I really, really, blew it. I went by Lucy’s Coffee Shop today they
Who Wants to be Mayor?
I suspect the power elite is cautiously, surreptitiously, gently, sidling up to some of the ankle-biters and suggesting that they
What’s Their Game?
So City Council is all het up to build a 12,000 seat arena in downtown. What’s that all about? We’re
Adios, amigo
Lucy’s Coffee Shop, that venerable institution that opened in 1974 in that old motor hotel near downtown, appears to have
The Borderplex Alliance’s New Strategic Plan: A Critique
How to make a million dollars: First, get a million dollars. — Steve Martin Did you read this story in
Big News from Wazoo
Did you read the big news out of Juarez last week? No, not the futbol team. (I thought Juarez already
City (Not El Paso) Raises Taxes to Pay Legal Settlement for Police Misconduct
In a case that may portend what’s in store for El Pasoans, the city of Inkster, Michigan, will hit taxpayers
More on the New State Law on Public Corruption
The El Paso Times reports that the State Legislature passed that bill giving the Texas Rangers the authority to investigate
The El Paso Times Urges Fiscal Responsibility!
The El Paso Times Sunday published an editorial calling for a more sensible approach to civic finance. Over the past
Yeah, that will really work.
Here’s a story from Marty Schladen, writing in the El Paso Times: The director of the Texas Department of Public
El Paso: Not like the Movies
“Mr. Brady, it is the duty of a newspaper to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable”. E.K. Hornbeck (Gene
Where you stand and where you sit
I went to a birthday party for the daughter of a friend of mine last week. I started talking to
How To Live in El Paso: Valentina Hot Sauce
Am I right? I mean, it’s not the same as that special salsa you make, with the grilled and raw
Hey, we’re on Twitter!
Whatever that is. @elchuqueno Did I do that right?
The El Paso Times vs. the PSB
The El Paso Times Editorial Board came out against the Public Service Board’s new franchise fee, now that the PSB
Did you just hear something . . .
hit the fan? No, not yet? Just you wait.
Idle Speculation
In this story in this week’s El Paso Inc., (the one about River Oaks putting its downtown properties up for
A Big Day in Whoville
For those of you who were wondering what to celebrate, or maybe what you were already celebrating.
Maybe we’re the stupid ones.
Hell, if going broke is inevitable, we might as well spend our last paycheck on fancy doodads that can’t get