By Bob Chessey This is Part 2 of a three part series. You can read Part 1 here. The Valera Affair One year later Harry
More Good News
Here’s a surprise we never saw coming. From KVIA: The El Paso school district is proposing a tax increase and
The dog barks, and the caravan moves on.
Here’s a surprise we never saw coming. From KVIA: The El Paso school district is proposing a tax increase and
I guess you saw the U.S. News and World Report report that had El Paso rated as the ninth best
In a story headlined West Side traffic jam relief will take years, the El Paso Times mentions some good news.
According to this evaluation from U.S. News and World Report, El Paso ranks ninth in the nation for Qualify of
Saw this little fellow in our backyard today. I think he’s some variety of Tiger Moth. Anyone know better?
Another day, another fruitless anal probe performed on a U.S. citizen by Customs and Border Protection. From the Arizona Capitol
Those planning to travel from downtown El Paso to the west side during peak travel hours are advised catch U.S.
DavidK makes a lively point here, on his RefusetheJuice blog, about the gathering of elected officials after the Orlando shooting.
One of the keys for El Paso’s future development is advanced logistics, if you believe the masterminds at the Borderplex
Here’s an opinion piece in the El Paso Times from Northeast El Paso resident Mark Lucas. I’m concerned about City
Héctor Luis “El Guero” Palma Salazar, one of the founders of the Sinaloa Cartel, will be released from U.S. custody
If you’re driving in Oklahoma, and you see the flashing lights in your mirror, you might end up homeless, according
Here’s a quote form District 1 Representative Peter Svarzbein, from KVIA. “El Paso sometimes gets destroyed under the stick when
I’m sitting in a bar in Ciudad Chihuahua, The Monaco, on the edge of downtown. It’s clean and well lighted
An elderly couple were robbed at a bus stop near the H&H this morning, according to KFOX. El Paso police
I’ve said it before: Doesn’t the outrage about the City Manager’s lapses seem disproportionate? Yeah, he probably didn’t need an
Here’s a piece that makes one question the durability of the membrane between the here-and-now and the afterlife. Mourning seems
As a public service, I am forwarding the advice of Milwaukee police Chief Ed Flynn, who offered the public these
According to various news outlets, Chiquita admitted paying Colombian paramilitaries $1.7 million between 1997 and 2004. Now, the U.S. district
The El Paso Times is investigating the El Paso Independent School District’s hiring policies, and here’s what they’ve come up