By Bob Chessey This is Part 3 of a three part series. You can read Part 1 here, and Part 2 here. Valera’s Arrest The

Read My Lips
Did you vote for Dee Margo because he promised to “hold the line on taxes”? Psych! KVIA reports that our
The dog barks, and the caravan moves on.
Did you vote for Dee Margo because he promised to “hold the line on taxes”? Psych! KVIA reports that our
Watch this video on YouTube I drove from El Paso down to Port Aransas in south Texas for some business
You’ve probably heard that El Paso’s latest mayor doesn’t want to hear from the proles. Via the El Paso Times:
Here’s the latest awareness from Homeland Security, via KVIA: U.S. Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly said Friday that he told
A Lively and Energetic Place The first thing that strikes one about Pep, at least before visiting, is its name.
Lookie here. According to their website, a one-way ticket from Ciudad Juarez to Leon, Guanajuato, non-stop, booked more than a
Monarch has a food truck. Sorta. It would be a trailer if it had wheels. And if Clint had a
Here I am in Guanajuato, the capital of the state of Guanajuato. Guanajuato is about in the middle of Mexico,
Lookie here. We’ve got a problem. Say you want to open a business in El Paso. Maybe it’s a bar,
Here’s a story from the June 25 issue of the El Paso Inc.: Preliminary valuations of single-family homes by the
Personally I have a hard time telling the days apart. They’re all work days. So I don’t dread Mondays. I
I got so wrapped up in Mary’s mowing skills that I forgot some really big news, but first, last night
Hitting the Bricks Lincoln County, New Mexico is Billy the Kid country. The Kid gained his reputation in the Lincoln
Some of my readers seem to think that the arena is a done deal, like an avalanche or a tsunami
Did you see this story in the El Paso Times this past weekend? On June 23, 2015, Maria Ramirez called
Remember Lance Armstrong? He was the greatest bicycle racer that ever lived until they started testing his old blood samples.
Here’s some disconcerting news. El Paso has the third highest rate of HIV infection among men who have sex with
I reckon the City figgered that no one would stand up to them. That no one had the resources to
Mary got me this speaker cabinet and IT IS AWESOME! And it arrived just in time to start posting music
I saw it happening but I didn’t know what it was. From Fort Worth Weekly: A New York guy killed