If you’re one of those soulless people without a compassion gene, how about this: store-bought tomatoes taste like raw tofu.
Do you have a garden? If your life is good, a garden will improve it by twenty percent. If your life sucks, the improvement is exponential.
Growing a garden is easy. The plants do all the work.
Everyone wants to help you grow a garden. It’s like religion. The El Paso Community Foundation is having another program in their Cultivate Food series on Thursday, April 23 at 5:30 p.m. in the Foundation Room located at 333 N. Oregon, across the street from the construction site that used to be San Jacinto Plaza. If that’s not today, you already missed it. (The food is usually good at these events, so pretend it’s happy hour.)
If starting a garden in your backyard sounds like too much work, you could probably find somebody to build you a raised bed for $100 plus materials. (An automated watering system would be more.)
Hell, come to think of it, I’ll do it for $100 plus materials. It’ll be the best money you ever spent.