I’m sitting at a booth at a window on the third floor of the Mercado Cuahtémoc, across the street from
Category: Brand El Paso
“Cast Down Your Bucket”
Before he mastered the B3, Booker T. Washington was an influential Black American. Here’s a paragraph from a speech he
The Drunkest City in Texas. And America.
Did you see this slideshow of the drunkest cities in each state? El Paso is the drunkest city in Texas.
What will El Paso look like in ten years? Who knows? But you can bet that it will look different.
Start Worrying
According to data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, El Paso’s employment fell from 322,863 in August, 2013 to
Stop Worrying
Didn’t you get the memo? It’s All Good.
The More Things Change
Did you see this story in the El Paso Times about our local gendarmerie apprehending a wanted fugitive? The El
More Ink in the National Press
Here’s a story on Buzzfeed, which prominently features El Paso: Levi Lane shuffled into the pews of the El Paso
Is El Paso run by sociopaths?
According to this blog on the website PsychCentral.com, here are six defining characteristics of sociopaths: Six Signs of a Sociopath
The Pitch – Low and Outside
You know that when Mayor Oscar Leeser and Borderplex Alliance President Rolando Pablos hit the road trying to entice businesses
More El Paso Branding Efforts
I almost feel bad making fun of these guys. Obviously they’re doing their darnedest. On the other hand, El Paso’s
Downtown El Paso: Field of Dreams
Been downtown lately? There are lots of things happening downtown. Unfortunately, there aren’t a lot of people. Maybe the people
Downtown El Paso: Creating an Ambience
This morning I posted a piece about Sense of Place. Now I’m going to tell you about something similar: Ambience.
Money Making Opportunity
You know who could make a lot of money in El Paso? A lawyer who specialized in suing the police.
Sense of Place
Here’s a nugget from Urbanland, the magazine of the Urban Land Institute, written by Edward T. McMahon: In 2010, the
Urban Removal Redux
Demolition in our urban core not only destroys historic buildings, it destroys any chance of revitalizing downtown. What’s going to
Not Too Bad If You’ve Got Low Standards
My City Rep posted this link on her Facepage. When it comes to walkable cities, Texas tends to get a
More on DestinationElPaso’s Branding Campaign
A friend of mine who worked on the city’s brand a while back saw my recent post and messaged me
DestinationElPaso’s Branding Campaign
Branding isn’t advertising. It’s not marketing. A brand is more like the gestalt of a good or service. A brand
The Downtown Paradox
The buildings all sell for millions of dollars, but you can rent them for hundreds. Everybody’s holding out for the