Author: elrichiboy

Retrovision: Let’s Pretend
This article originally appeared on 20 February 2017. Let’s pretend all our local “progressive” politicians and their benefactors are pure

Seis Banderas
According to El Diario de Juarez, MountainStar Sports Group is trying to put a big theme park in Cd. Juarez’

Full Transparency From Our Friends at EPEC
I have this thing at my house that’s like a teevee hooked up to a typewriter. In fact, I’m typing

Electric El Paso
I’ve heard rumors that J.P. Morgan is having a little hard time coming up with the $4.3 billion they need

Who Rules El Paso?
I’ll give you a hint. Follow the money. There’s a new book out titled Who Rules El Paso? Give the

“Good Cause”
On December 5, I requested the employment contracts for City Manager Tommy Gonzalez from the City of El Paso via

Orwellian Doublespeak
God bless those hardworking men and women protecting our nation’s borders. But this new biometric picture-taking program they have at

Topeka’s Looking Pretty Good
Some cities are paying people to move to them. From the New York Times: Add Topeka, Kan., to the growing

How To Live in El Paso: London Rocket
This article originally appeared on 11 January 2016. It has been lightly edited. If you live in El Paso, you

“An Intersection of Possibilities”
From the people who brought you the Glass Beach Study. Here’s a nice video promoting El Paso, Las Cruces and

Know Your Chile!
I made some salsa brava the other day. Chile pequin, onion, garlic, and tomatoes, burned in a skillet and run

Retrovision: A Local Expert’s Perspective on Economic Development
This post originally appeared on 10 October 2015. Here’s what Jerry Pacheco, the Executive Director of the International Business Accelerator,

El Paso Electric vs. The People
It seems like all those people who are in favor of the Electric Company sale to J.P. Morgan stand to