Author: elrichiboy

Death By a Thousand Cuts
The word on the street is that University Medical Center will open a new hospital on the east side. The

Blame It On the Firemen
And the cops. That’s what other cities have done when their fiscal profligacy has run their finances into a ditch.

Who Will Isabel Salcido Represent?
If she’s re-elected? This notification appeared in today’s City Council meeting agenda: For notation pursuant to Section 2.92.080 of the

The 9.9% vs. Housing for the Rest of Us
Here’s another take on housing and social mobility from the guy who wrote that book about the 9.9 percent. From

El Paso is a Third World Country
Since August 15, El Paso has been pouring raw sewage into the Rio Grande. From BorderReport.com: Between 3 million and

Vote No on Prop 2
Did you know that blight was a condition to creating a Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone in Texas? From the Texas

“Fossil fuel industry gets subsidies of $11m a minute, IMF finds” – The Guardian
The Guardian says that fossil fuel industries are welfare queens. The fossil fuel industry benefits from subsidies of $11m every

How Fast is Your Internet?
I have to assume that if you’re reading this, you have a computer that’s connected to the internet. And fast