Author: elrichiboy

The Bullfights Are Back!
I’ve been remiss. For a long little while, the Alberto Balderas Bullring in downtown Juarez had a banner hanging on

Gentrification and Income Inequality in Oaxaca
The benefits of “economic development” are unequally distributed. Sound familiar? Here’s a story bout that theme, and censorship, and tourism

Green Screen B-Roll El Paso
El Paso is prominently featured in this 2022 movie starring Liam Neeson.

Anti Onward Alameda Press Conference
On July 15,2022, I wrote about the Onward Alamedo project here. “The city has another project on the burner called

Movin’ On Up
Rolando Pablos, the former CEO of the Borderplex Alliance, and former Texas Secretary of State, and maybe he had some