I’ve noticed that people who go to a name brand university, and even those who who go to a lower
Author: elrichiboy
Stockton, The Future of El Paso
I just came across this story about Stockton, California, in the Huffington Post. It sounds eerily familiar: A $47 million
The Brownfield Empire
If any of you who read El Chuqueño don’t read The Brownfield Empire, you are doing yourselves a disservice. Here’s
Snowden’s Interview with German TeeVee (in English)
I had no idea that Edward Snowden’s interview with German television hadn’t been covered by U.S. so-called mainstream media, until
Even She Knows She’s Bullshitting
The El Paso Times reported that City Manager Joyce Wilson spoke to the Central Business Association last week. “The role
Happy New Year!
Yesterday I took a Chinese family over to Juarez. It was Chinese New Year’s Eve. We walked over, and got
County Elections: Why bother?
Well, the county elections are coming up. So what? None of the incumbents have a lot to brag about what
Deport the Biebs?
The Biebs is lucky he’s not a poor Mexican: I think it’s fair to say then that if Bieber’s neighbor’s
Those Poor Guys at the Borderplex Alliance
The ballpark stunt really backfired for the Hunts. Obama mobilized a disenfranchised electorate in 2008, and then Beto fanned the
Strange Object on the Moon
Here’s a story about some weird structure(?) on the moon. The wedge-shaped object, which has seven circular points evenly arranged
I’ve Got a Secret
Don’t tell anyone, but I think the El Paso Times paywall isn’t working. They announced it last December, in an
Pope’s Peace Doves Attacked
It’s hard to not read some symbolism into this story from The Guardian: Two white doves that were released as
Is El Paso one of them?
Here’s an interesting story from the Chicago Tribune, detailing the woes of Redflex, a company that provides those red light
Western Refining in the Mexoplex
Did you see this story on KFOX, about a white powder coating cars, houses, and laundry around the Western Refinery?
Like you needed a reason
Here’s a scientific article that says that smoking pot will protect your liver if you binge drink. Importantly, cannabidiol can
Your Job Could Be Outsourced to a Machine
This thought provoking article in the The Economist posits that technology could render a large percentage of today’s jobs obsolete.
Deming Settles Anal Probe Lawsuit
Deming and Hidalgo County have agreed to settle a lawsuit filed by a man who was subjected to an anal
VICE on the DEA-Sinaloa Connection
Here’s VICE blogger Brian Anderson on the revelation that the DEA and Sinaloa Cartel had a cozy symbiotic relationship: Still,
How Decisions Get Made
If you want, say, to buy a new phone, there are lots of resources you can turn to. There are
Al Jazeera: Mexican Official Says CIA Manages Drug Trade
According to this report from Al Jazeera, U.S. government agencies, including the CIA, “don’t fight drug traffickers,” instead “they try