Don’t you suppose that it’s the duty of the preeminent English-language newspaper to give voice to their opinion on the
Author: elrichiboy
Stacking the Deck So Everyone Loses
Do you reckon that the El Paso Independent School District will put mobile voting stations in their high schools the
The El Paso Times: Duplicitous, or Grossly Incompetent?
Like every other sentient being in the Mexoplex, you have probably wondered if the El Paso Times is biased or
Did you drop the soap?
Did you hear that the County Commissioners voted to give themselves a $26,569 annual pay increase? “I think it was
Count Your Blessings
The El Paso Independent School District is asking voters to approve a $600 million bond because of declining enrollment. Think
With Hindi (I think) subtitles.
And Champagne in the Cafeterias
The El Paso Times reports that this year every EPISD high school student will be issued a laptop. Are you
Term Limits
Term limits are a good idea. If you are special interests promoting a certain agenda. Because once a politician has
Where the Sun Don’t Shine
According to this story in the El Paso Times, the El Paso Electric Company (EPEC) may soon engage in rolling
The Long and the Short of It
According to this story from ABC News, the chief security officer in Ciudad Acuña has banned miniskirts. The security chief
Bravos Apertura
Our local professional fútbol team, FC Bravos from Ciudad Juarez, will be playing their first game of the 2016 season
Why your taxes are so high
The City has renewed its partnership with the CBP to keep the bridge lines short. From KVIA: The City of
But It’s Dry Heat
Remember this post from the Orbitz Travel Blog, picked up here by the Huffington Post. It’s titled 8 Places With
Actions, and sometimes even just expressing opinions, have consequences.
Not here. In Seattle. From the website President of the Seattle Police Officers’ Guild Ron Smith says he will
Simple Solutions to Complex Issues
Calling Black Lives Matters a “radical hate group” dismisses their legitimate grievances. Police often take adversarial positions to the communities
How Quickly They Forget.
El Paso Police Chief Greg Allen got himself in trouble with some of our elected officials this weekend when he
Not In My Front Yard
In an apparent bid to distinguish itself from other developers in town, the Meyers Group, those people who are trying
Budgeting, Juaritos Style
Here’s a pro tip. The toll booth on the Stanton Street bridge doesn’t open till late. Like 10:00 a.m., maybe.
You can’t keep a good man down.
According to reports in the Mexican media, drug kingpin Rafael Caro Quintero may be staging a comeback in Ciudad Juarez.
Chile Pequin
You want to grow chile in your backyard garden. Admit it. Jalapenos are good. Robust. Hearty. But if it’s hot,