A border crossing built to spare urban areas in El Paso, Texas, and Juarez, Mexico, of heavy commercial truck traffic may finally reach its potential.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection says it will resume processing commercial truck traffic at the Marcelino Serna port of entry in Tornillo, Texas, beginning on Aug. 7. The cargo area of the port opened in March 2016 but suspended operations in May 2017 due to low traffic volumes.
But things have changed six years later. Mexico last month finished a new toll road near Samalayuca 30 miles south of Juarez. The Mexican government and industry stakeholders estimate some 300 trucks coming from the interior of the country with assembled parts and other cargo intended for delivery in the U.S. will cross the Tornillo port every week.
So maybe we don’t need to expand the Bridge of the Americas, with it’s related traffic and pollution, after all.
The folks who live around Bridge of the Americas will appreciate this if it relieves some of the truck traffic there.