Managing the Public Image

Here’s a report that Mexico paid Sony big bucks not to cast our southern neighbor in a negative, though perhaps realistic, light.

Mexico has been dealing with an image problem after reports of drug-related violence in the nation’s capital. Now, the country is reportedly trying to change its image by dictating how it’s portrayed in the upcoming James Bond movie. Hacked Sony emails indicate the studio agreed to the changes in exchange for incentives worth up to $20 million.

In an apparently unrelated story titled 8 Places with Always Perfect Weather, the Huffingon Post says that El Paso’s climate compares favorably with San Diego, and Oahu.

You probably know it because of the salsa, and how do you think they get such high quality salsa vegetables? Sunshine! El Paso has dry heat and just enough rainfall to keep the plants happy. Much like San Diego, El Paso is an outdoor playground. You can climb rocks in Hueco Tanks State Park or cycle through Franklin Mountains State Park—the largest urban state park.

And then there’s this: respected news outlet has selected El Paso as one of the Best Run Cities in the U.S. In fact, El Paso came in third.

Who would have thunk it?


  1. Well then wouldn’t that make you a synical doubting hipster dooosh man? Happy Friday Richiboy!

    1. Sorry if I hurt your feelings.

      Why is it that people who don’t have anything to say say it anyway?

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