Protesters are calling for the dismissal of El Paso Police Chief Greg Allen.
[O]rganizers unveiled a petition demanding Allen’s firing, alleging a pattern of police brutality, excessive force practices and no disciplinary actions taken against abusive officers.
“This petition is aiming to profoundly restructure the police department in El Paso,” [Border Network of Human Rights Executive Director Fernando] García said. “For too long, so many years, we have seen the decomposition of the police department and local law enforcement practices and policies. It has been very troubling for us that in the last 10 years El Pasoans have been subjected to shootings and killings committed by El Paso police officers with no consequences at all.”
I reckon Chief Allen isn’t leaving till he’s ready.
City Council won’t fire him. The City Manager won’t let them. I reckon Chief Allen knows too much. He’s probably got dirt on enough of the key players, in and out of government, to leverage a little job security into his position.
And he’s chief. It’s good to be the king.
Do you think Chief Allen cares what the protesters think about his job performance? He’d probably like to go down there and bust some heads.

Of course, I’m just speculating. All of my opinions are based on a lifetime of personal observations that have produced a profound cynicism of the machinations of local government.
So far, I’ve mostly been right.
You’re a wise man, Mr. Chuqueno. Yes, you’re probably right–again.
Isn’t this “Chief,” the same guy who said that Black Lives Matters protestors were a “Radical Hate Group.”? Yes, July 2016. When he said that, I thought to myself he must be the “House Negro,” an “Uncle Tom,” or both. Disgusting that a Black man would call BLM a Radical Hate Group.
At least he’s not gay…
Of course, he is bad simply because he is a police officer, and because of that you may ignore his color and disparage him at will. Fuck everything he had to accomplish along the way to get where he is today, you are better because you are white with an ethnic cloak of invisibility.
” His color? ……Everything he had to accomplish along the way….?” El Paso, with it its 85% Latino population is not as racist a city such as Houston, or Dallas or Vidor, TX. Ron Stallworth, the African American who wrote the book, “The Black Klansman,” based on his life as a law enforcement officer and El Paso resident, said this last month…”One of the things I’m happy for is that these protests are making people aware of Black Lives Matter. The movement is one that IS NOT anti-police, its never been anti-police. It is one that is making a difference in the civil rights movement, led by young people……
Last month’s issue of El Paso Matters, June 16, retired officer from the El Paso Police Dept, writes in his column…”Greg Allen taught me to become a cop. I didn’t like what I became.” In it he describes Allen’s overly aggressive police tactics.
Allen, like El Paso’s City Hall, is filled with ass kissers and people who do the bidding, aided and abetted by the Police Union.
Stallworth also writes about the “Blue Wall of Silence.” There are good cops and there are bad cops and to see someone like George Floyd’s life being snuffed out in front of us—which actually was the first “snuff movie” I’ve ever seen is despicable. To defend these cops and defend Greg Allen who called Black Lives Matter a Radical Hate Group is despicable.
I forgot to attribute the column in El Paso Matters. “Greg Allen taught me to become a cop. I didn’t like what I became.” It was written by former police officer Rick Carlos. Also, all of Devin Nunes’ cows are Hispanic. We work harder and cheaper than the White cows….