I’ve got about six or nine Chile Pequin plants growing in pots, and I’d like to offshore them before it’s time to put them in the greenhouse.
Mostly these plants volunteered in my garden. They’ll survive the winter in the ground if they get watered occasionally. Or you can put them in your house by a window so they get direct sunlight.
I’ve got five or six plants in the ground in my backyard. So I’m covered.
I’ll be at Monarch today, Friday, November 10, from 4:00 to almost 6:00, unless enough people come to claim all the plants before that. I’ll make a nice (?) salsa brava from the pequins at my house, too, and bring some chips.
So stop by. Claim a plant. It’s your heritage. It’s your birthright. It’s your birthday.
Check it out. Or just stop by and we’ll have a drink.