Here’s a comment I received last night, in its entirety. I tried busking in downtown El Paso today for the

The dog barks, and the caravan moves on.
Here’s a comment I received last night, in its entirety. I tried busking in downtown El Paso today for the
Here’s a video by local talent Amalia Mondragon. Watch this video on YouTube Amalia describes herself as a chuqueña, from
This is a great story about an international humanitarian tragedy, out of Texas Monthly. Mexican cartels, meanwhile, recognized an opportunity
We’re got a mayor who gets elected by promising to “hold the line on taxes,” and his first month in
From an El Paso Inc. interview: Q: People say El Paso’s taxes are among the highest in the nation, though
El Chuqueño has been agitating for sensible government since 2012. We’ve gone through a lot of changes since then, and
Well, there it is. From the El Paso Times: El Paso County commissioners are looking at a preliminary general fund
The City is proposing raising taxes as high as it can without putting it to the citizens to vote on.
El Paso’s a poor town, and we’re not getting any richer. That’s just a fact. We’re at the absolute bottom
My Ouija board says they’re all shook up in the halls of power around here. Not about the court’s decision
Let’s see. $66 million in Certificates of Obligation raises the average residential tax bill $50 a year. So issuing $180
Did you read this weekend’s El Paso Inc.? It’s pretty good. Here’s the lede from one story: What began as
Here’s the latest awareness from Homeland Security, via KVIA: U.S. Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly said Friday that he told
Some of my readers seem to think that the arena is a done deal, like an avalanche or a tsunami
Did you see this story in the El Paso Times this past weekend? On June 23, 2015, Maria Ramirez called
Remember Lance Armstrong? He was the greatest bicycle racer that ever lived until they started testing his old blood samples.
Here’s some disconcerting news. El Paso has the third highest rate of HIV infection among men who have sex with
I reckon the City figgered that no one would stand up to them. That no one had the resources to
Oliver Stone interviewed Vladimir Putin. Here’s a takeaway from Should Sanders become president, Putin says, he would suddenly realize
Did you see this story on KVIA about Cohen Stadium? A windstorm damaged the shade canopy structure [at Cohen Stadium]