Last Sunday a morning show aired a story about a dating site that paired people based on stuff they mutually

The dog barks, and the caravan moves on.
Last Sunday a morning show aired a story about a dating site that paired people based on stuff they mutually
My childhood friend, Larry Zavala, asked if I was going to our high school reunion and sent me a link
Comet 41P/Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak (astronomers really need to get more creative with their names or, you know what, never mind, I’ll do
There is only one entrance into this world but there are a lot of exits out of it. Most of
Loose Dead Grass Season has now given way to Horny Bird Season, which is sometimes known as Suicidal Bird Season
A couple of weeks ago Mary and I went to go see Skye dance in the UTEP dance department’s show
Tonight, as I walked the dogs around a park we’ve lived near for 20 years, I watched a family playing
The other day I came home from work and the pups wanted to play hide and seek. Luckily, I was
We just returned from a trip that was primarily composed of long episodes of driving interrupted by brief encounters with
Man, 2016 just flew by. It seems that the older I get, the faster time flies by, unless I’m listening
The El Paso Times’ recent article by the Russians on the lady with 6,000 Christmas trees made me realize that
El Paso just had its annual three day event we like to call “Fall.” I’ve read about other places having
[youtube] The amount of stuff I record and delete is stupid. I recorded this yesterday and was about to
Election night, as I drove back to El Paso through the navy blue of the High Desert with stars from
I want to apologize to my children. Actually, on behalf of every American who’s voted in the last 100 years,