Here’s a story from KSHB in Kansas City, explaining how police obtained a search warrant for a home which resulted
Author: elrichiboy
Murder at Yankee’s Bar
According to this story in LaPolaka, a man was killed in Yankee’s Bar this weekend after getting into an argument
They mean well, I think.
I don’t hate El Paso. I’m not against downtown development. What I hate are people who pretend that they know
Leeser is kind of like Obama
Lots of the people who voted for Oscar Leeser, expecting Hope and Change, must be kind of disappointed that he’s
The Big Picture
The sad part is that the Borderplex Alliance can’t brag about its successes. At least, not in El Paso. But
The More Things Change . . .
According to this story in La Polaka, the new commandant of the the Federal Police in Juarez, Jorge Armando Pavón
Secret Emails and the Lizard People
Every citizen of El Paso should be troubled by the City’s actions, and inactions, concerning the “secret” emails demanded by
Downtown El Paso: The Land of Opportunity
Good news for all those ballpark advocates: There is still lots of opportunity in downtown El Paso! With the Southwestern
Weekend at Fernie’s
Did you see this story in the Diario about the guys in Juarez who were driving around with the corpse
Meth Mango Recovered
You probably missed the story about the stolen 10 ton mango. That’s okay, it’s been found — with a meth
Psycho-cybernetic Enhancements
I’m not talking cyborg. There’s a new generation of apps and websites that teach you to function better. According to
A Structural Analysis of the Deep State
Here’s an insightful analysis of how things work in America. There is the visible government situated around the Mall in
A Plague of Biblical Proportions
It could happen here. An Arizona town is overrun with tiny pooches that are terrorizing children and defecating anywhere they
Is the Lottery rigged?
No, not at all. Every other institution in this country is hopelessly corrupt, but not the one that gives away
Observations on the State of Journalism
Time mgazine’s cover story on Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto was widely panned on the internet and social media, and
Because El Paso
The John Cook campaign launched their website this week. Here’s a link. You should look at it. Then you should
Quebrando Malo
Here’s the extended trailer for the Spanish Breaking Bad, set in Colombia. It’s exactly the same. Only different.
We’re Number 46!
The United States, the world’s superpower, has been surrendering it’s moral high ground ever since, and probably before, 9/11. When
Glass Beach Holiday
I’ve been trying to figure out why the City’s recent branding efforts have been off-key. They refuse to acknowledge that
Market Manipulation?
Here’s something interesting I noticed: The price of Western Refining (WNR) stock has dropped more than 15 percent since its